I love a good, fresh start to a new year. I was blessed to spend time with loved ONEs over the holidays. I’ve had time to reflect on a trying but pivotal 2020 and am feeling excited and renewed.
With our leagues of real estate professionals around the country, we’re ready to do this! Bring on an awesome housing market in 2021 and more opportunities, every day, to open doors and change lives.
As I was thinking about that late last year – the opportunity to do more – I began reading about the benefit of planting trees around the world. This was it! The chance to make a direct, tangible impact on our environment but also, to do a whole lot more.
Why does planting trees matter? Trees contribute to more than just the clean air we breathe. They’re a significant part of our healthy, active, sustainable lives in so many ways, including providing jobs to billions, homes (yes!), and shelter and even medicine. One Tree Planted does a convincing job of explaining why reforestation is critical now and into the future and we’re happy to be a part of their efforts.
Let’s plant some trees people! As a brand, we’ve pledged to donate ONE tree for every Realty ONE Group home bought or sold this year through our ONE Tree, ONE World program. Our goal is 111,111 by the end of 2021 and we KNOW we’ll meet this. For us, that means, trees, clean air, homes, jobs and more. That is something we can all get behind.
Love is our #ONEGoldenRule. You can read more about what it means to us in our just-released Story of ONE Book. Essentially, our charitable work through ONE Cares means everything to us and is deeply rooted in our DNA. I’m so proud of the time and resources we’ve donated to hundreds of thousands of people and organizations throughout our history and am just as excited about the giveback we’ve got planned for 2021.
Like every year in our 15-year history, we’ll celebrate our anniversary on May 1, ONE Day, with a network-wide day of giving. Some of it may be virtual and some may be masked in person, we have yet to see but we’ll never miss marking that day of doing and giving.
And, you can join us in planting trees by visiting our ONE Tree, ONE World website.
Happy New Year friends!

Kuba Jewgieniew is the CEO And Founder of Realty ONE Group, one of the fastest growing franchisors in the industry. He started Realty ONE Group in 2005 with a 100%-commission model and an emphasis on innovation, disruption and fun. He’s won numerous awards and has been recognized for his innovative thinking and leadership. And, with a dynamic leadership team and leagues of committed followers, Realty ONE Group plans to open offices around the world, bettering communities and lives everywhere, leaving a legacy for generations.